Cold Calling Clinic
A Better Approach to Cold Calling
There's nothing like the grind of cold calling.
The phone weighs 80 pounds and it takes every ounce of our mental strength to pick it up.
Then there's dialing...and waiting while the phone rings on the other end...and then they actually answer!
What do we say? How do we say it? Where do we go from here?
If you, like most of us, struggle with the cold call, this clinic is for you.
We're going to outline the conversation, the intention, and how to make one call after another with intensity and confidence, getting you to a place of cold calling bliss, where you will schedule one meeting, after another, after another with prospective clients!
What's included in this course:
36 minute Cold Calling Clinic video
Worksheets in PDF and Docx downloadable formats
Certificate of Completion